Thursday, 12 January 2012

My Survey monkey Questionaire

1. Do you consider yourself a person of routine?
2. Do you have a daily routine or a certain set of actions you complete daily? please describe them...
3. Do you think routine is an important aspect of todays sociery? why?
4. In 2 years time what are your aims, career wise?
5. Describe the lifestyle setting you see yourself in, in 2 years time? e.g. where geometrically you are living, what type of accommodation, plus and minus points of supposedly living in this way, etc...
6. If you had no restraints on money and no responsibilities, how would your supposed life in 2 years differ from the above scenario? e.g. where geometrically you are living, what type of accommodation, plus and minus points of supposedly living in this way, etc...

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