2. Do you have a daily routine or a certain set of actions you complete daily? please describe them..
getting to work-have to be ready on time as i commute
Yeah, the list would be too long. have to shower before i do anything, and i was my body in a certain order. make my bed after my shower, and cant leave the house without eating. thats just the start of the day.
Yes. i wake up, make a coffee, make toast, check facebook, then get ready for the day.
Yes. Morning: Get up, make coffee, have shower, drink coffee, get dressed, brush teeth, drive to work. Night time: Make cup of tea, have a wash, brush teeth, get into bed, drink tea read book, go to sleep
yes. how i get up, how i get dressed, wash brush teeth. I have several routines even how i wash up dishes and how i arrange my meals.
My main routine is of the day is when I get dressed in the morning, I get up, get dressed, have breakfast, make my lunch, do my hair, brush my teeth and put my make up one
Not really, there are certain things that I'll do everyday but not necessarily the same time every day. Usually whenever I remember.
I have not, other than washing and sometimes I don't even do that because I like my bed.
wake up shower eat work out eat uni work
I'm OCD about the order in which I do things everyday. My bed has to be made before I can leave the house, I have to have tea before I can go anywhere, but not before I brush my teeth and have a shower.
Shower. check my YouTube. have breakfast. do dome film work.
At the moment; wake up, revise, relax, sleep.
i complete on most days my routine of getting ready. i wake up, get a shower straight away, get dressed, dry my hair, have something to eat, finish off my hair, make-up and put contact lenses in. most days i am in a rush because i dont like mornings.
only in the morning-must do bathroom duties including cleaning of teeth first thing--then put kettle on and have 3 cups of coffee before the day starts
wake up half seven, get up at eight, breakfast and preparation for the dat 8-9, leave the house around nine, get to college for 9:20
Yes, jogging and getting the paper in the morning, eating breakfast and dinner
3. Do you think routine is an important aspect of todays sociery? why?
for certain things i think you have to be
i think its habit and just how the mind works.
kind of. for people who have jobs it is because they go to work everyday, have breaks at the same time everyday and finish at the same time everyday. but for people who don't have jobs they still kind of have a routine as they just do the same things everyday.
Sort of, if it's essential that you manage your time well.
Society? When there is a lack routine things are forgotten. Generally routine is good but can become stale, An equal mix of routine and spontaneity is good.
good to organised but you cant avoid having a routine. everything we do we do in a particular way.for example i wet my tooth brush before putting the tooth paste on.I dont know why I just do it naturally
I think everyone is involved in some sort of routine whether it be going to work everyday or to the pub everyday. I think it's important to have a constant in your life just for your own peace of mind and know that there is always something that will be there even if everything else isn't
I think it is if you live a busy lifestyle or want a scheduled, organized life but for some people that just doesn't work. It's probably important to have somewhat of a routine in what time you go to bed/wake up etc because that could affect your work and daily life which could in turn affect your health and mental health.
I think it is very important indeed. Plans and routines are a sure way of achieving goals and we are part of a society that needs to progress with qualifications/jobs and so on.
I feel that routine is important but it's also good to break from routine and be spontanious at times also
Yes. It is said that humans would perform better if we were permitted to sleep in small intervals as and when we need it. Today's society dictates that we must be awake and doing things for a long period of the day, and sleep solidly for the rest. Routines naturally follow the necessity to be awake for a long time.
Less and less so. routine is being made for the workplace not for the home. as a whole society is routined but more and more people try to break it because he routine takes away from people thoughts of freedom.
Routine makes a lot of people feel comfortable, but can be boring for a few. Overall, I'd say its important.
i think it can be good for people to have a daily routine so that there is organisation in society, but i dont see it as being important, routine can become boring and common, there must be excitement or we would become bored.
no..the routine is only important to me
i think its important for me to do this because never ever am i going to have the facilities available or studio space available for the amount of money i pay (tuition fees)
No it isn't particularly important to society, but it's important to me
4. In 2 years time what are your aims, career wise?
graduate, possibly do a masters, then look at oppurtunities abroad as I'm starting a Teaching English as a Foreign Language course.
hopefully, be earning between 20,000 and 30,000 and working in a decent job.
I am not really planning to get a good career job in the next two years, i still feel too young to get a 'grown up' job. So i'll probably be doing an unskilled job/learning new skills, but I want to enjoy what I do rather than doing something just for money.
I would like people to give me money for writing books at home all day.
I don't feel the need for anymore money, don't really want to take on more responsibilities, so career wise i'll stay as I am please.
To have started or found a job which will get me by and hopefully really enjoy
hopefully working within art in some form or another
I'd like to have a job that I am happy with and not necessarily a job that is acclaimed.
I'd be happy with just being a freelance artist and if I needed to get a part time job to manage, then so be it. As long as I was being creative and selling work.
To generate income from music
To be in the industry either as a runner or a cinematographer.
To be in training to become a lawyer.
my aims are to finish uni with good results to be able to get a job that i enjoy, or collect skills that will help me find a career that i can be happy in.
due to having a child at secondary school will be doing pretty much the same as the moment in time-might think of doing a course
to have a good degree, still be creating work, and be an active member in the leeds art base
Writing/Acting/Producing/Directing in Film or TV
5. Describe the lifestyle setting you see yourself in, in 2 years time? e.g. where geometrically you are living, what type of accommodation, plus and minus points of supposedly living in this way, etc...
Depends where I get a job. Most probably will still be in Leeds if I am doing a masters; a cheap place just like previous years
living in london renting a house or living with my parents, minus points are I'm still at home probably, plus point is it's cheaper.
probably still around the same area, maybe in a small rented flat or something or sharing a small house with friends? plus points are it is cheap, get to still be around friends and family minus points are that there isn't much to do around spalding area, not a lot of opportunities and it's pretty limited in culture and new experiences.
Okay I would like to live in London maybe, or some nice city, maybe Bath? Ideally I would not be single but you know, it's okay if I am. I'd either be living with a partner or a roomate(s) who I get on really well with. I'd keep my room reasonably tidy and do the washing up straight away. My rabbit Alf would also be there and he would be litter trained by then. I'd leave the house every day to get coffee or maybe go to the gym, I'd like to become a gym sort of person. I'd write a lot and people would like what I'd write and pay me for it, but if that wasn't possible I'd have a nice job in retail, maybe in a bookshop. The plus points of living this way would be that it would be awesome. The minus points would be housework.
Same city, same house, same friends as well as lots of new ones, comfortable with disposable income to be creative, work the weekday, live at the weekend. Minus - become too complacent , limited to new experiences. Positive - I like my life.
as ill be not long out of uni most likely at parets or sharing with friends. even traveling abroad
Probably either Leeds or Nottingham, in a flat or studio flat so I could work on my art but I probably won't have a lot of money and it might be a bit lonely living on my own.
At the moment I see myself living in a rented flat or squat somewhere in Europe depending on how much income I have.
I'll most probably still be living at home with my parents which has the advantage of no rent but also the lack of freedom and embarassment factor. I think this is realistic due to how hard it is to get a mortgage and because of what I want to do not providing a substantial amount of income.
Rented accommodation living in the UK
Somewhere comfortable. affordable. near where i work. with someone hopefully. this should minimise minus points apart from living near the job may mean affordability goes answer vice versa.
Living in London, probably sharing a house. It's the easiest way to get a bit of freedom without having to get a mortgage, but doesn't really help you get on the property ladder.
in two years time i would like to be in a secure job, living wherever i can in order to work in the career i want
same as now-living in spalding,in our own house-plus points are of stability and lovely house surrounded by closee friends-minus points are that the town offers very little in entertainment,culture and decent restaurants
rented property in leeds/london bad point, expense with no loan
Living in London, maybe relocating to a different city like Leeds, part of a house still
6. If you had no restraints on money and no responsibilities, how would your supposed life in 2 years differ from the above scenario? e.g. where geometrically you are living, what type of accommodation, plus and minus points of supposedly living in this way, etc...
A really nice city centre apartment and I wouldn't have the hassle of finding sponsors or a scholorship to support my Masters
i would probably still live in london but i would live in my own house and do work i love more then an actual job.
I'd like live abroad somewhere hot, by the beach in a beach house or villa where i can experience different culture and a different, laid back lifestyle. I want to get away from the hustle and bustle of cities where there would be no hectic lifestyle and i could be happy not having to do a job I hate just for money. also, a lot of people in england worry too much about what others think and really unimportant things and I want to get away from that. but i wouldn't like moving away from my family and friends.
Not much would be different except I definitely wouldn't have a real job and Alf would have a bigger cage, possibly with tunnels. My home would be bigger and have a library but I'd still like to share it with someone, but I would want to get someone in to do the cleaning. I'd travel more, maybe also have a place in New York. The plus points of living this way would be that it would be awesome. The minus points would be my carbon footprint.
Still based in Leeds near friends and family, but in a massive house with a massive garden, lots of travelling, lots more time to do creative things, lots more time with friends. Plus - more creativity, more time to be spontaneous. Minus - a lack of something to strive for?
Deffinately traveling abroad not in one place too long
I would go off to America, do Camp America, take a gap year and travel around the world seeing as much of it as I can and then settle back into the norm and get my own little flat in the Lake District.
I think I'd still be living abroad somewhere, however, with no restraints on money I think that place would probably be a bit more exotic. Life would be more comfortable and stress free and there would be more opportunities to do things. A minus point would be that living a more lavish lifestyle and no worries would make you less appreciative and maybe take things for granted more.
I'd certainly not live with my parents if I had no limitations on money. I'd have my own house near my parents for freedom and space, preferably an old converted warehouse for a studio/living space.
I would love to go traveling too see the world and not really worry about where I might be living/sleeping. I feel that living in this way can make you see different aspects of life and in turn allow you to see parts of yourself that you might not have noticed before.
There would be more chocolate, more music and I would never run out of tea.
Anywhere nice. in a nice big house with a big garden and a field. upkeep would be expensive but it would be beautiful and friends and family could easily visit..
I'd probably still live in London, possibly still sharing too, I'd rather live with friends than alone at the moment.
due to having child of secondary age,even with no restraints on money,geometrically would not differ,although lifestyle would..more holidays and breaks...and a better class of in food and clothes etc
living in europe in a major city, perhaps berlin, making fucking awesome art work that every body loves coming to see in exhibitions.
I'd move to California if I had the money