Wednesday, 21 March 2012

porfolio info context


Text Box: Portfolio: Art & Design Interdisciplinary
Context to Practice Level 5

Joanna Geldard
Rachel Harrison

This will  consist of a number of tasks which you will be asked to complete within the seminar and as additional work.

‘A portfolio is a curated experience’

Lecture Notes and notes are expected to be reviewed after each session where you summarise points and what you have learned. This may mean adding in any further research you have found.

Third Space

This is where you keep track of your development and practitioner and thinker. Collecting images, texts, creative writing, poetry, films, clips, journal articles should provide an overall identity of you as practitioner.

These will be useful in refining you areas for both writing and practical experimentation.

The key part of this is to reflect and keep summarising and writing notes on these findings to help consolidate and identify areas for work.


1.     Triangulation
2.     Image analysis
3.     Film review
4.     Anthology
5.     Text analysis
6.     Annotated Bibliography
7.     750 word sample writing
8.     Location and Mapping of context to practice
9.     Essay proposal
10.  Literature Review
11.  Essay & essay bibliography
12.  Third Space
13.  Overall Bibliography for Portfolio

Task 1 Triangulation task
 Use the 3 texts on Identity. Choose one and summarise the main points. Compare and contrast by using the other two texts to help. If you are feeling confident you may wish to broaden this to other reading that relates.

Task 2   Image Analysis
 Ch Transaesthetics. Choose an image that is analogue and digital and conduct an
image analysis. Then create an image combining analogue and digital.
Manipulate your image to use it to comment on some aspect6 of identity. This may be social, cultural, stigmatized or other. If you are interested in psyche, you may wish to look at ‘the other’ – Jacque Lacan

Task 3 Film Review
Please see emailed guides. You can choose a film which may support your area of interest or your essay.
Philosophy through film, Mary Litch  and Introducing Film through Philosophy by Richard Fumerton may help

Task 4  Anthology
This is an Anthology of images and may be ones to do with a particular subject examined through your lectures.

Task  5  Text Analysis

Write 500 words in response to Margot Lovejoy’s ‘New Consciousness’ (The first two sentences written down in session)

Task 6 Annotated Bibliography

This should be your main sources no more than 4 that you rely on for your essay. These are the main writing to which you continually refer and compare with others and should reflect the methodology you have chosen. i.e feminism, postmodernism etc.

Task 7  Sample Writing

This can be something you have developed for your essay or in response to a contextual issue.
You can also include in this section a sample of notes from lecture, seminars and visiting speakers. (N.B in addition to your sample not instead)

Task 8  Location
Identity Map
This was your identity map we did during the seminar and should identify core research interests, ideas within practice and how these related to various contexts. Include strategies and preferred rules of practice. 

Task 9  Essay Proposal

This is on the Course Moodle. You can do more than one if you feel this best represents your progression and development.

Task 10  Literature review

A summary of the literature which is relevant to your essay and why. Identify key perspectives which will be used and summarize certain points that the literature raises and will be referred to in your essay.

Task 11 ESSAY

Third person with clear intro and conclusion. Use images as evidence where possible and  Don’t forget your essay bibliography! Adhere to Harvard academic conventions.

Task 12 Third Space

A sample of this which identifies you, your thinking, and practice. Include critical reflection on how you can talk about the issues which seem to be developing as key interests and areas of focus for your work.
Task 13 Overall Bibliography

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