Monday, 26 March 2012


so i just ha d a tutorial with paula. i said about making a big cushion for hyde park maybe with text on it... maybe i could link up pillows and people? explore why we have them, scatter pillow, comfort, decoration, they're kind of pointless but many people still feel a need to have them in their homes. lawrence wiener explores text? maybe look at some of his work. possibly an activity? outside of a routine? sleep/relaxation/comfort.

out of place/ out of time- surrealism. order/disorder.

document in a variety of ways not just photography... times of when people do things, ask around, if i could get a visual graph out of the information then i could make a pillow out of that?  look up what types of graph are around.

using a sewing machine/ screen printing and a variety combining skills and techniques

allow the project to lead me

use the making process to lead the thinking, about possibilities of why/where/how the project is going.


  • put 20 pillows in hyde park and see what happens. record the people, camera, video camera, what shoes they are wearing, just things i might notice... 
  • colour psychology see if people pick different colours
  • what time do people pick these things up? (even if they do)
  • explore shapes and how i can make thing's 3d, maybe watch some youtube tutorials.

why do i want to do this big cushion idea? in hyde park? 
probably something to do with sunshine and leisure time. 

  • i think i want to go back to sleeping in weird places again, location out of routine? time out of routine? where could i sleep? 
  • what does comfort mean to everyone, sleeping positions? 
Lawrence Wiener 

Robert ryan

Glenn ligon

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

action plan...

read some shit.
i think the next step is to go and do some more routes. with  dictaphone hidden, ask specific questions about routes and ways of life... maybe take photo's of hands. also i think i need a tutorial with dan or something to just check that i'm going in the right direction, because i'm feeling a little nervous.

concept development collaborative

so i'm a little bit confused about everything what we have to do for these next briefs.. are there 2- 1 on collaboration and one on processes and one on ppd. or are there just 2? are there some combined? i need to ask someone who actually knows, cause i want to get sketch books/sketchbook started and i can't till i know. also i'v been having a few more ideas about collaborative. make a massive cushion that i take on a bus, that is too big for me to have in one place so other people might have to have it on their laps etc and then on the cushion have some intriguing imagery/text to get people into conversations... for example (who's that --->) also change the situation of it, so have it in hyde park on a sunny day and it's a cushioned seating area for people to meet and chill around. maybe have some facts on the cushions to get conversations started, or even better quotes from people i have spoken to about daily life and routines. i think maybe i need to branch out of leeds and get either a more varied span of situations or people that live in a different way, so maybe either interviewing people on the lightbulb walks, and getting on buses etc. i really like how dave, curt and pete got to know alot of people at hopfarm by showing a sign that siad 'peace and free tea' they gave away free tea that cost nothing and met a load of swish people.

porfolio info context


Text Box: Portfolio: Art & Design Interdisciplinary
Context to Practice Level 5

Joanna Geldard
Rachel Harrison

This will  consist of a number of tasks which you will be asked to complete within the seminar and as additional work.

‘A portfolio is a curated experience’

Lecture Notes and notes are expected to be reviewed after each session where you summarise points and what you have learned. This may mean adding in any further research you have found.

Third Space

This is where you keep track of your development and practitioner and thinker. Collecting images, texts, creative writing, poetry, films, clips, journal articles should provide an overall identity of you as practitioner.

These will be useful in refining you areas for both writing and practical experimentation.

The key part of this is to reflect and keep summarising and writing notes on these findings to help consolidate and identify areas for work.


1.     Triangulation
2.     Image analysis
3.     Film review
4.     Anthology
5.     Text analysis
6.     Annotated Bibliography
7.     750 word sample writing
8.     Location and Mapping of context to practice
9.     Essay proposal
10.  Literature Review
11.  Essay & essay bibliography
12.  Third Space
13.  Overall Bibliography for Portfolio

Task 1 Triangulation task
 Use the 3 texts on Identity. Choose one and summarise the main points. Compare and contrast by using the other two texts to help. If you are feeling confident you may wish to broaden this to other reading that relates.

Task 2   Image Analysis
 Ch Transaesthetics. Choose an image that is analogue and digital and conduct an
image analysis. Then create an image combining analogue and digital.
Manipulate your image to use it to comment on some aspect6 of identity. This may be social, cultural, stigmatized or other. If you are interested in psyche, you may wish to look at ‘the other’ – Jacque Lacan

Task 3 Film Review
Please see emailed guides. You can choose a film which may support your area of interest or your essay.
Philosophy through film, Mary Litch  and Introducing Film through Philosophy by Richard Fumerton may help

Task 4  Anthology
This is an Anthology of images and may be ones to do with a particular subject examined through your lectures.

Task  5  Text Analysis

Write 500 words in response to Margot Lovejoy’s ‘New Consciousness’ (The first two sentences written down in session)

Task 6 Annotated Bibliography

This should be your main sources no more than 4 that you rely on for your essay. These are the main writing to which you continually refer and compare with others and should reflect the methodology you have chosen. i.e feminism, postmodernism etc.

Task 7  Sample Writing

This can be something you have developed for your essay or in response to a contextual issue.
You can also include in this section a sample of notes from lecture, seminars and visiting speakers. (N.B in addition to your sample not instead)

Task 8  Location
Identity Map
This was your identity map we did during the seminar and should identify core research interests, ideas within practice and how these related to various contexts. Include strategies and preferred rules of practice. 

Task 9  Essay Proposal

This is on the Course Moodle. You can do more than one if you feel this best represents your progression and development.

Task 10  Literature review

A summary of the literature which is relevant to your essay and why. Identify key perspectives which will be used and summarize certain points that the literature raises and will be referred to in your essay.

Task 11 ESSAY

Third person with clear intro and conclusion. Use images as evidence where possible and  Don’t forget your essay bibliography! Adhere to Harvard academic conventions.

Task 12 Third Space

A sample of this which identifies you, your thinking, and practice. Include critical reflection on how you can talk about the issues which seem to be developing as key interests and areas of focus for your work.
Task 13 Overall Bibliography

Module Title Contextual & Theoretical Studies 2 OUCS205

Module Brief
Programme Title BA (Hons) Art & Design Interdisciplinary 5
Module Title Contextual & Theoretical Studies 2 OUCS205
Brief Title The Contextual & Theoretical Studies’ Portfolio
Weighting of Brief within Module 100%
Tutor(s) Joanna Geldard
Module Credits 20
Context The Year 2 Contextual Studies programme (Lectures and Seminars) introduces you to important current methods of enquiry and theoretical issues in Art, Design and Media. The portfolio you are asked to complete will allow you to explore these issues in relation to an aspect of your subject area chosen for its relevance to your work. As well as developing your knowledge and academic skills, the assignments within the portfolio will also prepare you for the task of producing a BA (Hons) dissertation next year. It is important to remember that work at this level is not the regurgitation of knowledge, but a critical response, citing detailed evidence in defence of detailed arguments.
Brief You will develop a portfolio of writing, which will include an essay, dissertation proposal and other activities that will evidence your engagement with and understanding of the key contextual and theoretical concepts and ideas introduced to you during the course of your level 5 academic year and that prepare you for your dissertation writing at level 6. Typically the portfolio will consist of; lecture notes, records of activities undertaken in seminars and evidence of oral contribution to seminars, a collection of different short writing tasks done in response to set activities, notes and visual records of trips, gallery visits etc. You will be expected to collate similar tasks in response to specific and relevant areas to your practice in preparation for specialising and focusing your thinking for your final task, an essay and Dissertation level. This will be referred to as Third Space. This should reflect on relevant texts and thinking which underpin and open up discussions around your practice. The final task in the portfolio, and culmination of your level 5 Contextual and Theoretical Studies work, will be a 2,000 word essay.
You will write a 2,000 word essay on an appropriate subject that demonstrates that you have understood the nature of academic writing. In particular this essay should aim to include the following:
A logical structure that has an introduction, a developed argument that is supported by reference to at least six different academic sources and a conclusion. A bibliography of at least 12 books that uses the Harvard referencing system. The use of Harvard conventions within the main text of the essay when using paraphrase or quoting from other authors.
To develop a detailed dissertation proposal that should identify a topic and question to be researched and that also specifies both theoretical and practical methodologies.
An over-reliance on ‘non-academic’ internet sources should be avoided.
Plagiarism of any kind must be avoided at all costs. At level 5 this is taken very seriously and can result in exclusion from the college.
Continued on next page
Revised Sept 2011
Module CodePreparation/Research Suggestions The lecture programme is designed to give you an introduction to a range of different theories and ideas which you will be expected to make notes on. Background reading will help to develop your critical awareness. Make full use of the Level 5 Critical Studies Bibliography in your handbook and consider further references made by your tutor or included in lecture handouts. Books in the ‘General’ section of the Bibliography will give you an overview of some of the different approaches; use notes made from this breadth of reading to support your growing portfolio.
In the essay remember to triangulate argument with the books and journals you are using. In particular look at which is a great resource for articles in academic journals. Do no limit yourself: share sources with others and discuss ideas, in particular if you are using a blog format to evidence your portfolio.
The proposal form needs careful consideration and research, although it is only a single sheet it should be the result of much reading and consideration of the issues central to the module.
Academic and English support is available to all students, don’t hesitate to seek this if you feel as if you are falling behind.
Briefing: 27.09.2011
Interim Crit(s)/Formative Feedback: 29.11.2011
Final Crit/Summative Feedback: 07.02.2011
Deadline: 27.03.2011
Work submitted after a set deadline loses 5 percentage points per day including days which fall over weekends as detailed in the Regulations for Undergraduate provision.
Revised Sept 2011
Module Code: OUCS295
Module Title: Contextual & Theoretical Studies 2
Brief Title: The Contextual & Theoretical Studies’ Portfolio
Student Name:
Module Outcomes You will be assessed on your ability to achieve the outcomes using skills from the following list: problem analysis, research, critical awareness, visual quality, innovation, technical competence and professionalism.
Assessed on this brief ()
Weighting /100
Knowledge and understanding Demonstrate a broad understanding of the history and theory of art, design and media with particular reference to their own art and design discipline
Cognitive skills Organise and manage a personal programme of analytical research from primary and secondary sources.
Practical and professional skills Present the results of research in clearly communicated written, oral or other appropriate forms.
Key transferable skills Identify, evaluate and employ appropriate critical methodologies to art and design case studies of your own choice.
Grade Total
All grades are provisional and are subject to confirmation and/or review by the Exam Boards held at the end of the academic year
Plagiarism is a serious matter which can attract severe penalties and permanent exclusion from the College. See Regulations for Undergraduate provision for further details.
Evidence/Assessment Method For this brief you should submit:
Module Outcome assessed
Lecture notes, records of activities undertaken in seminars and evidence of oral contribution to seminars, a collection of different short writing tasks done in response to set activities, notes and visual records of trips, gallery visits and other appropriate records of activities undertaken.
In addition a 2,000 word typed essay, using 1.5 line-spacing formatting and a 12 point serif font. Use Harvard conventions for quotations, paraphrasing and bibliography. Pages should be numbered and stapled.
A, B, C, D
Programme Leader: Cheryl Huntbach
(Programme Leader must approve brief before issued)
Date: 16.9.2011
Assessment Review Peer (ARP): Richard Miles
(ARP must approve brief before issued)
Date: 16.9.2011


Programme Title
BA (Hons) Art and Design Interdisciplinary
Module Title
Brief Title
Module Credits
Module Code
Michelle Partington/ Bridget March
Weighting of Brief within Module
OUCE255 Enterprise and Innovation relates to OUAD203 Creative Strategies and to OUAD204 Collaborative Strategies in its exploration of enterprise in relation to audiences, clients, markets, users, consumers, participants, co-workers and co-creators. It complements OUCS205 Critical studies in its consideration of the practices of cultural production.
OUCE255 Enterprise and Innovation supports the programmes philosophy to promote the synergy between interdisciplinary methods, materials and contexts. Students are not asked to follow any one business model, but to develop their own innovative projects combining particular interdisciplinary art & design interests A basic business knowledge and enterprise skill set is tailored to student’s particular direction through the programme.
This module will explore the structure and context of organisations in the creative industries. It will also outline some of the laws and processes involved in running a small to medium sized creative business. The student will explore the basics of how to identify and define the market, the legal and financial obligations of running a small business, where to look for funding and how to plan and control finances.
The International Artists’ Book Fair is an established event for both professional and student exhibitors: Fri 9th and Sat 11th March. Interdisciplinary have booked a stand at the event. The creative element of the brief requires that you produce three examples of books / fanzines. (The theme or content of these should relate to your current / recent brief). These may be one-off items or mass-produced in series / editions.
The Enterprise element of the brief requires you to: a) work out the most effective way to market your own work and your group’s presence at this event using some marketing principles learnt in this module b) identify the different types of customer you would like to attract and price your work appropriately c) understand your intellectual property rights and take steps to protect and perhaps license your work d) present a detailed budget or balance sheet for the event e) reflect upon your experiences to determine what you might improve upon next time.
You will receive critical feedback on the nature, quality, finish and content of your books. You should also have considered the appropriate pricing and if appropriate packaging of your books prior to the session.
** You will build and develop a portfolio of research and reflections upon the series of Enterprise lectures. You will also develop a good body of research and ideas on the nature of artists’ books and your particular audience / market and book fairs.
Briefing: Monday 30th January
Formative Feedback Monday 27th February
Final Crit / Summative Feedback Thursday 8th March
Deadline: Monday 26th March 09.30amModule Code:
Module Title:
Brief Title: International Artists Book Fair
Student Name:
Module/Unit Outcomes
In this brief, you will be assessed on your ability to achieve the outcomes using skills from the following list: problem analysis, research, critical awareness,␣ visual quality, innovation, technical competence and
Assessed on this brief ()
Weighting (%)
prof 1
essionalism Demonstrate an understanding of a range of marketing principles problem analysis, research, critical awareness
Use marketing tools to develop strategies
problem analysis, research, critical awareness
Demonstrate an understanding of the structures, strategies, methodologies and processes involved in the running of, or setting up of a small to medium sized creative business. problem analysis, research, critical awareness, professionalism
All grades are provisional and are subject to confirmation and/or review by the Exam Boards held at the end of the academic year
For this project students should submit:
Module Outcome assessed
Plagiarism is a serious matter which can attract severe penalties and permanent exclusion from the College. See Regulations for Undergraduate provision for further details.
Programme Leader Name: Cheryl Huntbach (Programme Leader must approve brief before issued)
Assessment Review Peer (ARP) Name: Garry Barker (ARP must approve brief before issued)
Date: 24 1 12

written feedback of first collaborative project Y2

the project developed methodically. thoughtful research and evident progression in your practice. interesting how the sculpture provoked conversations in an unassuming way whilst also being an intervention into peoples everyday routine.

there is a nice layering and circular development to the project involving different people at each step of the way. shows innovative independence and innovation.
positive that you have gained confidence and that you have pushed your practice outside of the studio and have obviously developed your skills approaching people and articulating your ideas. lots of room for potential development and parallel projects.

research of similar projects could be developed. more explicit document of your research would be a good resource for you to draw on in future projects

Friday, 16 March 2012

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

what did i gain?
an incite into a strangers life
a conversation

what did the members of public gain?
a conversation
an insight
something to think about

advancess on concept

i wanted an object to take out into the public and also share on a website with the peope i travelled the route with that represents what i am going for. i first decided that i just simply wanted to make the linears into a 3d shape. if you think about the traditional map it is usually displayed as a 2d image. the problem with this is that we only focus on the paths we walk on instead of the spaces we are inhabiting moving and talking in.

so the cushions represent the routes. i want the cusions to remind people of childrens soft toys and home cumforts. i think it correlates with the way we are comforted by knowing where we are going and the routes we travel daily. but then to juxtapose the feelin of comfort and stability i used a flexible material and then suspended the object which them gives off an opposite message. i'm not trying to convey a message across or tell people what it means. becuase the object doesn't specifically mean anything, it is meant to make people question or be intreaged in the notion of how society expects us to live/ pushes us down certain pathways without questioning why certain guidelines are there. i do not want to force an opinon apon someone, but by simply having an unbiased conversation with them about their lives it makes them think about it.

some messages that might be interpretted:

  • fabric - childrens soft toys
  • colour- beise, old peoples aneraks. reminds me of 'safe' stages of life. 
  • suspended and flexible material- uncertainty, flexibility in arraning of objects. looks over accuracy. 

photo shoot with dan and route object

i have made the 7 cusions, each one represents a route and journey that i took with them on their daily passage.  i used carrying as an onject a tool to talk to them about theeir lives. i then made an object to relat back to it. for a couple of reasons 1. so that the people that travelled the route might see the object and it might remind them of the journey they had with me. 2. to invite new people into a conversation about routes, journeys and routines. some people came up and asked me about the object and some i aproached. i asked them their name, some were interested in the object and asked what it was and i told them about my ideas and we has a conversation. i think the importance of the object is to spark conversation and questions either asked to me or someone else later in the day. i have photographs of people interacting with it. i block the 'normal' route some walked around it and some ducked under it.