Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Dry Bones by danDifelice

Dry Bones by danDifelice

This project was a collaborative effort that spanned countries & time zones with several artists working long hours to finally put this piece out. The passage comes from an Old Testament prophecy, taken from Ezekiel 37. Not only is the text extremely descriptive and visual, lending itself to beautiful imagery, but show that where there is death and exile, hope and life can be found.

i think the main positive point i can pick out from this film is the atmosphere that is created. how is it created? by telling a story through audio. how is the atmosphere created visually? extreme location, weather conditions, panning of the landscape shows that it is very isolated. when it is isolated and something magical happens it seems all the more subtle, which is a nice quality. for example there are no reactions/drama from people in the surroundings, which makes it seem like it is almost normal.

obviously the digital effects are awesome. i think the use of wind symbolises change- almost in a mythical way. any improvements? use more then one actor?

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